
A Record of Love Part 1

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A Record of Love Part 1 by Marty Lange

This is merely a story, a memoir if you will. It is all based on actual fact. Though locations and times may be slightly offset do to memory and it's fallibility. It shall also not be written from the first perspective. It will come in many parts. Each part will vary in length depending on the dates and the content there in. I will be writing this from start to finish for however long it takes. Towards the end will be a writers note which may prove to be of some length. Without further delay, let's begin.

March 9th 2006

Today was graduation day for the soon to be nineteen year old boy. Despite the occasion he was severely depressed. A fact that no one could visibly see. This teenager was very adept at hiding the truth from all the others. So on his parade around the Wright Learning Center in a graduation cap and gown he smiled and waved and showed embarrassment. It was his grand trick to be such a good actor. He was deceptive and clever. His hair was a dirty blond, reaching down to his lower back. As always he kept it in a pony tail. He had a rather long face, long nose, deep set eyes that seemed to alter in color even though by the book they were hazel. He wasn't very large either, standing only about five foot nine inches and weighing around one hundred and sixty pounds. His build was cleverly deceptive as well. He never worked out, save for the times at night when he would practice with a wooden staff. His cloths were always baggy and never tight. Tight clothes were too constraining and left nothing to the imagination. He also leaned towards wearing black.

As was tradition he wore his favorite clothes for this occasion, just to put on a good show mind you. It was for them that he smiled and waved and bowed. He had no interest in any of this. He wanted solitude and music with the bass so loud that he could feel it deep within him. As was natural with his facade everyone knew his name, yet he knew close to no ones name. He hated his name, even though he was mostly over being called Marty Farty. The name just bugged him. It was a bad name to him. None of this was reveled in his smiling face. For his face showed nothing but joy as he had finally graduated.

The thing that bugged him most was his closest friend. Which is to say that his closest friend was no friend at all. He and his closest friend were at each others throats, so there was no joy to be found here. Then there was the simple fact that he was single. Not such a hard thing to fix one would think. Except that aside from a few people, no one knew that he was actually gay. Another part of his facade, though this part he didn't really play to the fullest extent, he didn't want to. Plus there was no point in really completely hiding it, he wanted to be with someone. He wanted a guy someone strong who could hold him and protect him. Someone that could keep him safe from others as well as himself.

This was to be his last day in this building. He knew this, and enjoyed this. Still it was his only day that week, for he hadn't been to school the week prior due to his grandmothers death. Another disturbing fact he had to deal with day in day out. His family seemed to be dropping like flies. Every two years or so there was some new tragedy in his family. Something that he was deeply troubled by. These and so much more ran through his mind as we went about his day. Upon arriving at home the thoughts seemingly vanished, as did his loud music. He was back to acting completely normal, as if nothing was wrong in the world.

He got online first, dial up internet with a laptop. Such was the way of his life. It sucked and wasn't much of a life at all. Not to him anyway. There he sat anyway, he logged on to MySpace and from there went to work. He typed up a new blog entry, his favorite hobby. He was loving the writing. So he kept at it. Every day he posted one or two blogs. It helped him sharpen his skills at typing. He also signed on to his messengers. Many things were to be done and said, people to talk to and ignore. Such was the way of his apparent social life.

May 10th 2006

Today he woke up with a wonderful day ahead of him. Today he was leaving the house, going outside. This day was special though, he had been crushing on this really hot guy, who was going to come spend the day with him in the wonderful town of Winsted Minnesota. It was a boring town for the most part. Though he did have Maria and Jackie, two of his closest friends, to hang out with from time to time. Though not all went according to plan. He got into an argument with his mother again. This time he stormed out of the house, well trailer house to be exact. Ironically he turned eighteen in lot eighteen at the trailer park. He was proud to be trailer trash. Out for his walk he went though. We walked down the park towards the dumpster and headed east. Later on in his life he would think of the irony in how he always had to walk east to get to where he wanted to go.

It was ten in the morning, and here he was out for a stroll. He was headed to the park, his meeting place. He had intentionally put on pure white, his signal to the guy he was meeting so he would know upon sight that he was in the right place. He messed around the park for awhile. Amusing himself with memories from the years prior. How he and his closest friend, Jason, had talked in this area, and how they had traded Pokémon cards here. It seemed like forever since he showed up. His cellphone, prepaid through T-Mobile, was out of time when he sent the last text message. It was perhaps five minutes later that the guy he was waiting for showed up.

His name was Tim, he was around the same height as Marty. His hair was blonde, brighter shade as well, and it was shorter, big time shorter, it was set up in somewhat of a mohawk. Only thing was it made him look more like a cockatoo. This was highly amusing to our now nineteen year old boy. Tim was a year younger, more flamboyant with his homosexuality and the most noticeable thing was his eyes. They were like perfectly cut and colored sapphires. They were a beauty and by far the most prominent and most attractive feature Tim had. Which is saying a lot considering Tim was very much so a catch, he was attractive funny and very intelligent. Though he was a bit naive about somethings and ignorant about others. This didn't bother Marty though because he was the same way.

They walked around town and talked, though things were rather strange somehow Marty was completely at ease. He was comfortable and unafraid of things that might happen in public with this boy who was a year his junior. It was a brilliant and beautiful day. Surprisingly to Marty he had no troubles with his left knee, which had been so bad as of late that he could barely walk let alone stand. It was not a bother to him. He could move perfectly fine this day. So it was that Marty and Tim would spend the next ten hours talking and getting to know each other. At one point they ended up kissing and then for the rest of the day Marty was holding Tim, and feeling most confident about how life was going.

July 29th 2006

Today was an ordinary day. Though things didn't work out with Tim, or AJ, or Eric, or Tim (different Tim), nothing had seemed to phase Marty. He was on a mission to find true love. He'd gotten a friend request today on a most entertaining fellow, he was only seventeen which put him out of the range Marty was looking for age wise. He felt compelled by the profile to accept his friend request. He noticed that this persons name was Dan, most charming name really. He also noticed other things, amusing things, curious things. First there was the boys eyes. They reminded Marty of people from the orient. This was a huge plus on the attractive scale. As was this boys dark colored hair and brown eyes. He wore glasses but that was not something that bothered Marty. This boy named Dan was only five feet and one inch tall, and weighed only one hundred and four pounds. This amazed Marty, and in a way spell bound him.

August 2nd 2006

It had been a few days since Dan had sent a friend request and not done anything since getting accepted, so against normal behavior Marty decided to lay a very clever trap for Dan. He posted a message on the board thing on MySpace saying if anyone wanted to talk to him all they had to do was ask for one of his screen names on whichever instant messenger they preferred. So it was the game began. It wasn't much longer later that his target sent him a message, Dan wanted to talk. Victory was had and the fanfare played in Marty's mind. He had achieved his goal for the day. So it was the first time the two spoke if you will over AIM.

August 10th 2006

Marty was dumbfounded by this kid. He'd been raving about some bloke named David who was with another guy, now granted Dan was in Massachusetts and Marty was in Minnesota this was holding little ground over emotions. Marty was crushing on Dan and in a very large way. Marty was always talking to Dan. Marty thought it was pleasant living in his new home, he and his parents had moved to Hutchinson Minnesota. Marty finally had high speed internet. He also suspected that his draw to this new town was now talking to him. He knew that if he lived in Hutchinson within six months he'd have a boyfriend, but this thought did not cross him anymore. He only had eyes for Dan. All else was of no importance to him. He wanted Dan, and no one else. Which was clear by how he was no longer talking to any of the guys he was at the time, they were nothing compared to this brilliant light in his life. He had to have Dan, he was just afraid to admit it not only to Dan but to himself. He was terrified

Never before had Marty come across someone so stubborn that he was reminded of himself and his chase for a straight boy. Dan had to be the one, something told Marty this, it wasn't his thoughts or his emotions though. He didn't know what was telling him that Dan was the one he was waiting for.

August 20th-21st 2006

It just so happened that Marty was getting rather annoyed by this idiot named David who was causing such a mess of Dan's mind. Dan couldn't see that Marty was expending so much energy to get his attention. By now Marty was teetering on a very fine line, about ready to fall and with that fall he'd be completely and hopelessly in love. Today they talked as they did every day, Marty talked about the things he wanted to share. Telling Dan about technology and how various things worked and all in all boring Dan, but Dan never left. There had to have been some spell that kept him put. Along with telling him about technology he told him about other things, his ambition to be a game designer, how he was looking into going college. And most prominently he was always showing off his pride and joy, his music collection. Which was at the time just a scarce three thousand songs or so in size. Very tiny music collection. Marty could still remember the day when he hit five hundred, and after that twelve hundred.

Today was beautiful outside, as were most in this town. He didn't venture outside though, he rarely went outside because by going outside he would have to stop talking to Dan. He did go outside though, only for a cigarette and nothing more. Though towards the late night the conversation took an unexpected twist. They started talking about relationships, and how neither of them wanted a long term relationship. Then after so long, it was August 21st in Massachusetts and August 20th when it happened.

Marty: so uh... will you go out with me?
Dan: yes

So began the first real relationship Marty had ever had. Among all else, they decided to use the 21st as their anniversary, which pleased Marty. On top of that, there was one more peculiarity about that moment, for you see it was at that moment that Marty was listening to the song No. 1 by BoA. Thus was born their song. Marty and Dan were a couple, and rightly so.
This is as close to pure fact as I can get with my memory as degraded as it is. The purpose of this is to just get things out in the open. To see the part of me left unseen and to have a record of something very dear and important to me that is now lost. Further explanation will be found in my Writers Note which will be either attached to the final part or will be the final part itself.
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